
Roman hastatus

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Roman Hastatus
Icon RHastatus.jpg
Civilization Rome
Recruitment Point Barracks
Attack Attack.png 16
Defense Defence.png 12
Health Health.png 200
Special Abilities Deflection
Cost Price.png 100
Class RHastatus
Type Melee
Speed 60
Key H

Roman Hastatus[modifica]

The Roman Hastatus is a melee unit of Rome civilization.


You can recruit the Roman Hastatus in both Republican Rome and Imperial Rome; It is a low cost unit (100) and with extremely low recruiting time. Roman Hastatus' strenght is his special ability 'Deflection'. This unit looks really smaller compared to other warriors, he holds sword and shield and wears an armor that covers almost the whole body. The Hastatus deals pretty low damage (16) and got a good defense (12) that can be increased with 'Team Defense' to 22. Given that he wears his heavy armor, the Roman Hastatus is a rather slow unit (60).


Roman Hastatus is mainly used to create a shield protecting ranged units such as Archers and Velites: armies of 50 Hastati in line formation are generally formed to cover at least twice as many Archers positioned behind them, both in line formation. It’s important, in order to increase the longevity of the Hastati themselves, to increase the Roman Hero’s ‘Team Defense’ ability. However, it’s also possible to take advantage of the ‘Deflection’ ability to neutralize special abilities of the opposing units, such as ‘Expertise’ of the Germanic Macemen with Germanic Hero’s ‘Assult (cry)’. Consequently it is not uncommon to use armies composed of Hastati and Pretorians. Moreover, given the low cost and the special ability already mentioned several times, this unit is used in groups of 10 units (together with as many Equites) to conquer Villages and Outposts scattered on the map, using a Hero with 10 points of ‘Quick March’, to increase the movement speed. In ‘Liga’ gamemode, the Hastatus is widely deployed in armies consisting of 20/25 Hastati and 25/30 and Velites, in order to take advantage of the Velites’ ‘Offensive tactics’ ability, provided that you have a high leveled Hero (to which points will be awarded to ’Team Attack’).

Other languages[modifica]